The importance of the ETIAS watch list for entry into the Schengen area


It is expected that there will be two entry permits for the Schengen area from the end of 2022. The Schengen visa is still intended for travellers from countries that are not allowed to fill in an ETIAS application. In addition, a visa is still required for travellers who study, work or do other business within the Schengen area. Only those who cross the borders as tourists or business travellers can do so with an ETIAS application. 

In order to make travelling safer and at the same time more comfortable for the visitor, the authorities use various databases. One of these databases is the ETAS Watchlist.

 Who is included in the ETIAS Watchlist?

 Europol is responsible for the ETIAS Watchlist. This organisation is normally responsible for the cross-border fight against crime in Europe. Europol puts people on this list who have already committed a crime or are very likely to commit a crime.

The ETIAS Watchlist uses the following sources:

- The EU Member States compile a list of people who have committed or are highly likely to commit serious crimes

- The UN list of war criminals

 The ETIAS Watchlist works together with other databases

 The ETIAS watchlist is not the only information system using ETIAS. There are currently databases that ETIAS will use in the future. These are

- Data from Europol

- The Eurodoc database

- The Schengen Information System and the

- Visa Information System

There are also other databases that are only being created as part of the establishment of ETIAS, such as the entry-exit system.

The database for lost and stolen travel items is also useful.


 How to use the ETIAS watch list

 The applicant normally does not take note of the ETIAS watch list. He fills in the application and submits it. Without the applicant being aware of this, the application is checked through several databases. One of these databases is the ETIAS Watchlist.

In most cases there is no hit. The ETIAS authorisation is granted and the applicant can travel. In some cases there is a hit. Now the application is not automatically rejected but checked manually.

If the check shows that there is no danger from the traveller, the authority issues the authorisation. The traveler receives an e-mail with his data. This enables him to enter the Schengen area.

However, if the traveller receives a refusal, the competent authority must give reasons for it. If the applicant does not agree with this decision, he can appeal against it.