ETIAS - a practical guide


ETIAS is scheduled to be introduced at the end of 2022. Many travelers who have so far only entered the Schengen area with a passport are thinking of this date with mixed feelings. Although most people realize that ETIAS promises a significant gain in security, many people are still afraid of the form. Especially older travelers who have little to do with computers and the Internet are worried about it. This article aims to dispel these concerns.

 The application can be filled out by friends, relatives or an agency

 The application can only be filled out online. An Internet connection and an appropriate terminal device are required. This is even possible without Internet at home, because smartphones also have a SIM card. This allows the traveler to connect to the Internet. Filling out the form on the cell phone is a little impractical, but it is possible. If an end device with a larger display is available, this is preferable.

If the traveler has neither an Internet connection nor a suitable terminal device, he can also have the form filled out by acquaintances, friends or an agency. He must answer all questions truthfully. A false statement can lead to the rejection of the application. In addition, there is also the possibility that he may not be allowed to participate in the ETIAS procedure in future. This is particularly annoying, as the traveler will have to apply for a visa if he or she enters the country again. This takes more time and is more expensive.

For travelers between the ages of 18 and 70, the application costs a fee, which is to be paid electronically. Different payment options are offered, so that no country is disadvantaged.

 What happens after the application is submitted?

 In most cases, the application is approved immediately. The system checks several databases. If there is no match, the approval is granted. If there is a result, the application is checked again and only rejected if there is reasonable doubt. Travelers who believe they have been treated unfairly can appeal against the decision.

In most cases, the application will be approved. Now the traveler can stay for three years within the Schengen area for 90 days within a 180-day period. Only on the first visit does he or she have to enter the country he or she has indicated on the entry form.

Despite a valid ETIAS visa, the border official may refuse entry. The officer is responsible for security and if he or she feels that the traveler may pose a danger, he or she will refuse to cross the border. It is therefore up to each individual to behave as inconspicuously as possible when crossing the border.