Submit ETIAS application without computer and tablet


Computers, tablets and cell phones are part of the lives of many people today. Nevertheless there are many people who have not found the right access to these media. They are afraid of contact and shy away from dealing with the new technology. For these people, entering the Schengen area will be a problem in the future. The ETIAS application form can only be filled in via the internet with a corresponding terminal device.

 The application can also be filled out with a cell phone

 Many people no longer own a computer. The control center of digital life is the cell phone. Many tasks of daily life can be done easily, often even faster and easier with the cell phone. So also filling out the ETIAS application. It may seem a little complicated at first glance to operate the small keyboard, but it is not. The cell phone often stores the data, so that only the name is enough and the personal data appears automatically. Many questions only need to be answered briefly by ticking the box or by answering yes or no. That hardly takes any more time.

Modern Internet pages have a so-called Responsive Design. This means that the display adapts to the end device. Whether it is a computer, a cell phone or a tablet, the form always fits on one page. The traveler only has to scroll down. Although the official page does not yet exist, it can be assumed that the future ETIAS page will also have a Responsive Design. Such programming is now standard.

 Have friends or acquaintances fill out the form

 If you do not have a suitable device or computer, you can have friends and acquaintances fill out the form. The traveler or travelers should be present. After all, it is their responsibility to ensure that all questions are answered correctly. A valid passport is important. It is important to take all questions from it exactly. There are always mistakes with the passport number. This is problematic, because a clerk does not recognize the error. He does not have the passport. If the number is wrong, ETIAS is invalid. Since the error is often only recognized at the airport, travel plans often cannot be kept. Although a new ETIAS application can be submitted quickly, no one can guarantee that the approval will arrive in time. This also applies to the other data.

ETIAS is valid for three years, unless the conditions change. Therefore, if the passport becomes invalid or expires, ETIAS also loses its validity. This also applies if the traveler marries or if one of the security and/or health issues is no longer valid.