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ETIAS closes important information gaps

When a traveler crosses the border with a visa, he or she reveals a lot of personal information. The authorities can then assess very well whether this traveler poses a risk. This is not the case for travelers without a visa. It is only known that the tourist or business traveler comes from a country from which few criminals and terrorists have entered the Schengen area. So the principle of hope prevails. ETIAS provides a remedy here.

ETIAS replaces the Schengen visa

Currently there are two ways to enter the Schengen area. Residents of many countries simply grab a valid passport and visit the country or countries for which they have booked. This is simple and uncomplicated. For some purposes, such as taking up employment or studying, the visitor needs special visas that relate to one country. He can obtain these from the respective consulate in his home country. There are also countries that cannot enter with a passport. These require a visa. This takes more time and is more expensive.

Could there be problems with the ETIAS application?

It is generally difficult to write about a system that will only be introduced in two years. However, ESTA is a similar system that the USA has had good experience with so far.

Visa liberalization and ETIAS

The Schengen area is characterized by the so-called visa liberalization. This means that many travelers can visit the area without applying for a visa. In concrete terms, they only need an identity card and can enter the country. This is convenient, but will change in the coming years. In the future, anyone wishing to enter the Schengen area will need a quarter of an hour. That's all it will take to fill out the ETIAS form

 Advantages and disadvantages of visa liberalization

Data is safe with ETIAS

The traveller is required to provide a large amount of personal information when completing the ETIAS application. This can be a headache for many, as it is difficult to track the exact data stream. But here the all-clear can be given. The data will not be processed in accordance with the European data protection guidelines and will be deleted after an appropriate period of time.

 What data must the traveler transmit

What travelers will have to consider when crossing borders in the future

Until now, the borders of the Schengen area have been open to some travelers. They only needed a passport and could cross the border. However, this contradicts the need for security. If it is possible to cross the border without problems, this also applies to criminals and terrorists. ETIAS should now provide greater security at a lower cost. For travelers it is a small effort. Not only does it change a lot in terms of travel preparations, but also when crossing the border or checking in for a flight, ship, bus or train.

What everyone should know about ETIAS

Many people can still travel to the Schengen area without any problems. They only need their passport. This will change at the end of 2022. With ETIAS a new system will be introduced to make travel to the Schengen area more secure. Nevertheless, tourists will not have to spend much time preparing for their trip.

 ETIAS is valid for three years

What exactly is FRONTEX?

In connection with border controls the name FRONTEX appears again and again. Many people can hardly imagine themselves under this name. This is probably primarily due to the fact that the name is of French origin. FRONTEX means frontières extéruers. Although hardly known, the facility has been in existence since 2004. In short, the task of FRONTEX is to secure the external borders of the EU. FRONTEX currently has 1200 employees. This number is by far not enough to ensure secure border crossing even after the introduction of ETIAS.

How ESTA differs from ETIAS

Tourists who visit the USA frequently are used to filling out a form. For this group, there is hardly any need to change. All they have to remember is that they now have to fill out another form when they start their trip. Overall, the differences between ETIAS and ESTA are not very big.

 Both applications must be filled out online

Submit ETIAS application without computer and tablet

Computers, tablets and cell phones are part of the lives of many people today. Nevertheless there are many people who have not found the right access to these media. They are afraid of contact and shy away from dealing with the new technology. For these people, entering the Schengen area will be a problem in the future. The ETIAS application form can only be filled in via the internet with a corresponding terminal device.

 The application can also be filled out with a cell phone
