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ETIAS increases the importance of Frontex

Frontex is hardly known to the average traveller. When he leaves the external borders of the Schengen area, he may well encounter an official checking passports, but he is only marginally interested in which authority they come from. The introduction of ETIAS will not change this situation. Nevertheless, the new system has a great influence on FRONTEX.

 The number of employees is to increase significantly

Only with correct personal data an entry with ETIAS is possible

Data is the currency of the Internet. Accordingly, many users are cautious when disclosing their data. They are afraid that they will be resold and eventually be bombarded with personalized advertising. When filling out an ETIAS application, sensitive data is requested. If you have been to the USA often, you can get information at the ESTA. Probably the questions will be similar.

 Only security-relevant questions will be asked

Is an ETIAS visa required for entry into San Marino?

 At the end of 2022, a decisive change will come into effect for travelers who have been able to enter the Schengen area without a visa up to now. Anyone wishing to enter the Schengen area from this date will need a so-called ETIAS. Similar to ESTA in the USA, ETIAS is a simple way to control travel within the borders of the Schengen area. The Schengen area includes most EU countries. If you are on vacation in Italy, you will come across a state where Italian is spoken, but which is not part of Italy, San Marino.

The ETIAS application is quickly filled in

Anyone who has so far wanted to enter the Schengen area without a visa or another entry permit will have to change in the future. At least every five years he or she must fill out a form to obtain an entry permit into the Schengen area. The effort is low, because the form can be filled out within a few minutes.

 The form is available online

Covid-19 and ETIAS

Until ETIAS is established in the Schengen area and the first travelers with the permit can cross the borders, some preparations are necessary. Especially the development of the necessary infrastructure and databases may still take some time. Now, of course, the question arises whether the Covid-19 pandemic will cause a shift in the schedule. Forecasts for the future are difficult and nobody can predict how the pandemic will develop.

 Many processes can be developed contactless at ETIAS

What to do if ETIAS is rejected?

In practice, it will be rare for an ETIAS application to be rejected. Nevertheless, it is not impossible. In any case, the authorities want to prevent criminals or terrorists from entering the Schengen area. If the applicant believes that his or her ETIAS has been unjustifiably rejected, he or she can appeal against it. This is one difference to the US ESTA system. In the event of a rejection, USA travelers do not receive a reason.

 The traveler is subject to a comprehensive review

Which visa is the right one?

The ETIAS visa, introduced at the end of 2022, will not render the other entitlements obsolete. ETIAS is a useful addition to the existing regulations. Those who have required a Schengen visa up to now will continue to require this entry permit. The situation is different for travelers who were previously able to enter the Schengen area without any major effort. These require an ESTA permit. However, the system is simple and the work involved is minimal.

The different borders within Europe

In connection with ETIAS, there is a lot of talk about the Schengen area. Superficial readers might confuse the Schengen area with the European Union or the monetary union. In large parts, the areas do overlap, but there are differences. These become apparent when a tourist with an ETIAS permit.

 The European Union and the Schengen area

Can the ETIAS timetable be met?

The ETIAS entry permit currently only exists on paper. Many considerations have been made, which are more or less concrete. Again and again the question arises whether this plan can be kept at all. Although it is still more than two years until ETIAS becomes mandatory for tourists, a postponement of the schedule is of course always possible. Especially the Corona crisis is a circumstance that nobody could have expected.

 Many decisions have already been made

Is ETIAS DSGVO compliant?

As ETIAS exists only as a plan, it is not yet possible to make any precise statements. In addition, the laws on data processing are constantly changing. It is therefore possible that an adaptation may be necessary at a later stage. Of course, a system like ETIAS must also comply with the laws and thus also with the basic data protection regulation (DSGVO).

 What is the basic data protection regulation?
