What data is necessary for ETIAS?
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Since ETIAS is a system that will not be established until the end of next year, this question cannot yet be answered conclusively, of course. With an eye on the US's related ESTA system, the answer is easier. It is to be expected that ETIAS will be modelled on it. So it is easy to imagine what travellers will have to face.
The data in the identity card must be transferred conscientiously
How to enter Andorra, Monaco, San Marino and Vatican City with ETIAS?
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Anyone who wants to enter the Schengen area after 2022 needs an ETIAS permit. This allows them to enter 26 countries. However, not all countries in Europe belong to the Schengen area. If you travel to the Vatican or Monaco, you will hardly notice that you are in another state. The same applies to San Marino and Andorra. Although these states are within the Schengen area, they do not belong to it. Therefore, entry with ETIAS is not really possible. Nevertheless, these countries can be visited without any problems.