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Health and safety issues with ETIAS

So far, little is known about the exact ETIAS application. However, it is to be expected that the security questions will be based on the US ESTA application. In order to keep the risks to the Schengen area as low as possible, it is necessary to answer these questions conscientiously. However, there are some pitfalls lurking here, which will be discussed in the following.

 A wrong answer can lead to rejection

ETIAS increases the importance of FRONTEX

The name Frontières extéruers, or FRONTEX for short, is hardly known, although every traveller entering the Schengen area has had to deal with these officials at some point. They check passports, but usually there is little to complain about, because many countries can enter the Schengen area without a visa or any other visual check. There have always been security concerns about this procedure, but these should be a thing of the past from the end of 2022. That is when the new entry system ETIAS will be introduced. This will also change the importance of ETIAS.

ETIAS brings minor changes but major benefits

Those who travel frequently in the Schengen area may be looking forward to the year 2023 with mixed feelings. By then at the latest, the new entry form ETIAS is to be introduced in the Schengen area. It is understandable that many people do not want any changes. They have to change procedures that have been practised for a long time and get used to new behaviour. With ETIAS, however, this concern is unfounded, because the changes are only small, but the effect is all the greater.

What travellers can expect from the end of 2022 when entering the Schengen area

As things stand, ETIAS will be introduced at the end of 2022. The Corona pandemic has hardly changed the plans. Many travellers fear an unreasonable effort. English media even speak of an "entry fee" to Europe. But ETIAS has nothing to do with Brexit. Rather, it is a reaction to the security situation in Europe. In recent years, there have been repeated attacks. Some of these could have been prevented if there had been stricter controls at the borders. In order to keep the effort low, European governments have decided to introduce a uniform entry system, ETIAS.

Is it possible to enter enclaves within the Schengen area with ETIAS?

There are several enclaves in Europe that are surrounded by the Schengen area but are not part of it themselves. These are the small states of Andorra between France and Spain, Monaco, San Marino and Vatican City. The latter two are completely surrounded by Italy. Monaco has only one border with France and also borders on the Mediterranean. Time and again, travellers ask themselves whether they will be able to travel to these states with the ETIAS in the future or whether they will need a visa.

More and more tourists travel to the Schengen area

Europe is a popular destination for tourists from Asia and the USA. Many tourists choose to travel to destinations within the Schengen area. However, the more tourists travel to the Schengen area, the greater the risk of terrorist attacks. The USA reacted to this threat several years ago and established the ESTA system. Anyone who wants to travel to the USA can only do so if they first fill out an ESTA application. From the end of 2022, this will also be the case in Europe. Anyone who wants to enter the Schengen area will then need an ETIAS form.

What is known about the validity of ETIAS

ETIAS is very similar to the US ESTA system, but there are some differences. These are not to the disadvantage of the traveller. On the contrary, the tourist can appeal against a negative decision and the validity is longer. The following is about the validity of ETIAS and then about which countries you can enter with it.

 The ETIAS permit is valid for three years

ETIAS does not mean an end to visa liberalisation

Many tourists and business travellers have enjoyed the ease of travel to the Schengen area in recent years. They don't have to fill out a form, just pack their bags, pocket a valid passport and off they go. Many surely see 31 December 2022 coming with wistfulness. Presumably, by that date, it will no longer be possible. The article examines whether this is really a disadvantage for travellers.

 Is visa liberalisation really an advantage?

ETIAS was rejected - what now?

After the tourist has submitted his ETIAS application, it is checked against several databases. Within a few hours, he or she will receive a positive reply if no matches were found. Otherwise, the application will be checked again by hand. This may delay the decision by a few days. If entry with ETIAS is not possible due to security concerns or other reasons, the application is rejected. In practice, this happens very rarely.

 An appeal against a refusal can be lodged

Fill in ETIAS without internet

A stable and secure internet connection is part of many people's lives today. It is often forgotten that the internet is a relatively new development. The first sites only appeared in the mid-90s. Today, hardly any administration or business is conceivable without the Internet. So it is not surprising that ETIAS can only be applied for via the internet. Now, however, there are many travellers who are not comfortable with the internet and have neither access nor suitable terminal equipment. Will this group of people have to do without travel to the Schengen area in future?
